Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Today: Quick update and excitement.

1: I finally got the people to come and at least look at the apartment. They also did some cleanup so it looks like my roof isn't rapidly decending on my living room anymore. Now it's just sort of an exposed ceiling in a patch. Gross, but managable. They did, however fix the bathroom, which looks good now. Now, it's just up to the girl upstairs to get her head out of her ass long enough to let them fix her radiator so they can actually FIX the ceiling. Who knows how long THAT'S going to take.

2: I have an audition for a new pilot on ABC. Turns out that the agent i've been working with is indeed NOT using my headshots to hold down her desk. Woo hoo. Wish me luck.

3: I'm preparing for the audition on saturday. It's going very well. Hard work, but good.

4: I made yummy food last night.

5: That's all.

6: Yes, i like numbering things.

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