Monday, May 24, 2004

Today: Wearing Linen and singing my heart out.

Okay, so first thing's first: I love linen. When the weather is a nasty 80 degrees like it was yesterday--and I do mean nasty--it's just about the only thing I can stand next to my skin. I have never survived a NY Summer, but having only had a taste of what's to come, I can now say that I'm wholely happy to have been away for the last 4 years consistantly. Also, I look forward to being gone part of the time, with any luck. Which brings me to point two.

I have had such a good time singing lately. I've been doing this show at St. Malachy's church and just loving it. And also auditioning has been a real treat lately, too, when I've felt good about myself. I'm just so looking forward to doing more auditions and getting jobs. Yay. I just hope that this high lasts a little longer than the last one like it. I keep having these week periods of being happy and then being depressed, and, frankly, I'm sick of it.

In other news: Bush is all cut up from falling on his bike the other day at the Branch-Bushidian compound in Wac--I mean Crawford TX this weekend. Highlights from his speech this evening will include 'c'mon, you wouldn't not re-elect a man when he's all bruised and beat up, would you?!' and 'we as Americans must stand up and fight for people who are rich and balance impaired--let's start by re-electing me.'

Lastly, you'll notice that I like to put links of random shit up on my blog. I urge you to do the same.

I would also URGE you to COMMENT on my SITE.

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