Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Today: Jobless and beautiful.

So, now I know what it's like to be those people we hate. You know, the ones who don't seem to have jobs; the ones who sit around outside on their ibooks, listening to their ipods and, just generally, enjoying their i-lives (or mclives, if that suits your fancy better). I'm in Bryant park at 3:30, doing just that. I've borrowed my room mate's computer, his Ipod and donned my cutest outdoors clothing to sit in the park and get some work done. It's silly, really, I feel desperately bored and useless. Still pretty, though.

This is my first official week without a job or an imminent job in nearly 3 years. For the past nine months, specifically, I've been working as a drone for corporate America. I'm really glad to be out of it and doing something else. I was originally hoping to have a job right away, because of money issues, but I realize now that I'm really OKAY even if I don't get a job for like a week or so. Someone smart (and I wish I could remember who it was) recently said 'if you spend less, you need less money'. So, I'm going grocery shopping, eating all my meals at home and not thinking about doing any drinking until I have a job again. It's also going to be nice not to have to buy lunch every day--that was a major expenditure, I was spending a lot of money eating lunch out every day I was working.

In the meantime, though, I'll be spending my time working on cleaning my apartment, getting a tan and going to as many auditions as I can. This means I have to buy more headshots because I'm almost out...guh.

I don't know really what to feel right now, but mostly it's just strange. I'm just really, really not used to having free time at all, let alone days of it. I guess, considering I have a rehearsal tonight, tomorrow and plans for Saturday and Sunday all ready, a job interview (which I plan on doing well at) tomorrow and some other pending jobs, I don't have as much free time as I'm guessing I do.

Still, though, it's a strange feeling.

oh look. The sun's gone behind a building...

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