Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Today: Things I’m Thankful for (Part II)

This holiday season, I’ve been given some extraordinary gifts—and I don’t mean my food processor, though I do love it. I’ve had the opportunity to do all of the things that I’ve wanted to do, and spend time with some of the people I love in the world—and a few people who I really like a lot. I’ve listened to some great music, made and subsequently eaten some really good food and I’ve burnt a couple of really important bridges. But rather than write about the stuff that’s pissed me off recently, I’m going to just talk about the things that have been really great.

- From my sister Stephanie, I got a bracelet so precious that I don’t think she will ever realize what it means to me. I know she’s got problems, and my parents are at their wits’ end with her, but she’s growing up, and despite the hang-ups that any 17, almost 18 year old has, she’s a loving person. I just wish I could let her know somehow that when I’m pushing on her that I’m trying to remind her that I have high expectations of her because she’s capable of everything I suggest. Come visit soon, Steph.
- I should write about my other two sisters, but I’m not going to just because I wrote about Stephanie, although Monica really is getting smarter every day and I worry about her, too. Vanessa, considering you’re the one most likely to read this of my sisters, your CD’s were the most fun to put together because I think that you and I have the most similar taste in music. I can’t wait until you’re free to do whatever you want and I get to see you more.
- My friends are still that. When most people graduate from high school, they move on and change and become different people and by the time 10-year reunion rolls around, none of their best friends are their best friends anymore because they’ve all changed into people who don’t really have bearing in your life anymore. Now, I may not communicate with all of my best friends from high school as much as I used to, but I have to say that they are all people who I’d still choose to be friends with now. I miss Miriam and I really should go visit her soon.
- I feel the stillness of the world more right now than I have in a long time. I had a couple good things happen today, and I think that that has a lot to do with the fact that last night I broke down and admitted that I was a little nervous and a little worried about the outcome of the universe but that I was determined to see it all through and just continue on my road and my path. I’d rather not get into detail about exactly what’s all gone down over the last week, but I’m really beginning to see that the changes that are taking place in my life are for the better. I’m so happy for the conversations I had both last night and tonight.
- The unexpected surprise of iTunes CD creation is that if I keep all my playlists, I’ve not only created a cd for my friends, I’ve also created a playlist of my feelings for that person at that second. It’s a double-edged memento, I guess. Nice to be able to listen to the music that reminds you of someone when you can’t have them with you.
- The hallways and foyer in my apartment building are getting really cool looking. Let’s just hope that the sexy new tiles don’t kill me as I’ve prophesied.
- I’m really just glad that all of the stress that 2004 was is over and that now I can concentrate on things that are a little less stressful. I spent a lot of last year being frustrated and anxious and I don’t think that it’s possible for me to have that level of foreboding this year—I just don’t see it as an option.
- I’m also glad that the holidays are over—though making peroggies with my cousin was a real great treat. I think he’s a really great guy and I wish I had been able to spend more time with him.
- I’m happy that Sandra Bullock is a really great girl. She donated $1,000,000 to the Red Cross for Disaster relief in Indonesia. I think the higher-ups in this country could learn a thing or two from her generosity—not just suggesting that we all give something. I want to see George “Strategeries” Bush and Dick “Go Fuck Yourself” Cheney opening their personal bank accounts as well as the tax stockpiles. This brings a little rant on, I’m sorry, but I have to go with this one.
To the guys praising the New York Post’s OPED piece ripping Jan Egeland for calling America ‘stingy’ for not sending enough aid money to SE Asia: WE LIVE IN A GLOBAL COMMUNITY, FUCKWADS! Indonesian shirts in Wal*Mart should come with a tag that lets you know that you are personally responsible for the destitution that thousands of Indonesians lived in from the time they were born from the time they died in this tsunami because of the starvation wages that they were being paid by the company that made that shirt. It is our responsibility—no, our penance for being ignorant, blind consumers who refuse to admit, until people are dying, that things don’t just come from nowhere! When the price of clothing goes up next year and the price of SE Asian textiles is 25% higher, understand that it’s because of your greed and ignorance that people that work in those factories will never be able to afford to BUY that shirt, even with how cheap it seems to be for you. (okay, that rant is done)
- I’m happy for the great CD’s I got for Christmas.
- I’m happy that I’m going to have cable Internet in the house! And you should be, too, because it means that I’ll most likely writing a lot more in 2005.
- I’m happy that I can laugh at everything that makes me frustrated and upset.
- Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends: what a great cartoon.

Okay, I think that’s it. I didn’t realize I had 1,000 words in me tonight, but goodness knows: wind me up and I’m a human chatterbox.

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