Saturday, February 26, 2005
Today: Leavin' on a jetBlue
5:47: I'm sitting in jetBlue's terminal 6 (which happens to be my favorite number) waiting to board flight 171 to Sacramento CA. The next days are going to be some of the strangest and most interesting of my life so far. As many of you may all ready know, I'm driving across the country. Flying first to California and then taking precious rout 80 all the way to cleveland, OH where I'll take 90 to Fredonia and then, by way of Rochester, etc, I'll be going to NYC. I can almost guarantee that I'll be nuts for some of the time... but Let me start by giving a day-to-day forecast of what my sanity level will be.
Day one: 2/26: This is fairly simple, since it's nearly done. All I have now to do is survive a 6 hour flight (the longest flight I've ever been on before was 4 hours and I slept the entire time, I think), survive a night out with Greg in Sacramento and then have a good night's sleep--something I desperately need.
Day two: 2/27: San Fransico. We're supposed to *go and hang out in san fransisco because 'matt'sneverdonethatanditwouldbedumbtogotothebayareawithoutgoingtosfforatleastaday' I'm thinking that I'll be kind of dazed because of how early it is. I'm also thinking that Greg will decide he hates my driving and that he's afraid of me in the car. This will be problematic. We will argue about where to eat, what to look at and it will rain. Then we will drive home, make our hotel reservations for SLC, pack his car and sleep.
Day three: 2/28: We wake up and then drive to Reno for brunch. This is simple and we say 'whew, i hope the whole trip is like this." It won't be. We'll hit bad weather outside of Salt lake City and it will keep us on the road way past bedtime. We'll finally get in and collapse in our hotel room.
Day four: 3/1: We wake up refreshed, but haven't got much tim e to look around salt lake city. I'm tired and want to sleep, but I agree to drive the first leg, just because. We have lunch in Laramie WY, which is a lot more boring than we'd ever imagined and then drive (an unending road through nothing FOREVER) to Omaha. This day is the toughest day. I'm not sure we'll actually make things on schedule that day...this is the day that the whole trip is riding on , i think.
Day five: 3/2: Omaha-Iowa City-Chicago. Waking up in Omaha is tough. We're groggy and I hate all showtunes at this point. We can't agree on any music at all and I want to murder him for every thing he says. He feels the same way. We both hate every song we own. Movies, video games and video taping the random NOTHINGNESS we're driving through doesn't bring any comfort. We get to chicago and make ourselves go out because we've agreed to, but we actually hate it and would rather have spent the night sleeping.
Day six: 3/3: Driving from chicago seems like a blessing. To me it's like a homecomming, to Greg, at least it's the right Timezone. We get into fredonia, my family is weird and then we sleep at the Cobb's house. Fun times. I still hate showtunes and Greg is Still unsatisfied with our footage for what he hopes will be the Audition tape to end all audition tapes for Surviver. I Shrug and say 'oh well' a lot--which makes him hit me. I have a lot of small bruises by today.
Day seven: 3/4: Driving from Fredonia to NYC with a slight detour to Rochester is normal. I've done that a million times. As long as the previous days haven't ended my life, this should be a cake-walk. We will have lunch with Sara and Norm...and Greg will decide he hates norm and that Sara is way cool. I will decide that I want to sleep for most of the drive.
So that's the forecast. Let's see how much comes true:)
See you on the flip side!
5:47: I'm sitting in jetBlue's terminal 6 (which happens to be my favorite number) waiting to board flight 171 to Sacramento CA. The next days are going to be some of the strangest and most interesting of my life so far. As many of you may all ready know, I'm driving across the country. Flying first to California and then taking precious rout 80 all the way to cleveland, OH where I'll take 90 to Fredonia and then, by way of Rochester, etc, I'll be going to NYC. I can almost guarantee that I'll be nuts for some of the time... but Let me start by giving a day-to-day forecast of what my sanity level will be.
Day one: 2/26: This is fairly simple, since it's nearly done. All I have now to do is survive a 6 hour flight (the longest flight I've ever been on before was 4 hours and I slept the entire time, I think), survive a night out with Greg in Sacramento and then have a good night's sleep--something I desperately need.
Day two: 2/27: San Fransico. We're supposed to *go and hang out in san fransisco because 'matt'sneverdonethatanditwouldbedumbtogotothebayareawithoutgoingtosfforatleastaday' I'm thinking that I'll be kind of dazed because of how early it is. I'm also thinking that Greg will decide he hates my driving and that he's afraid of me in the car. This will be problematic. We will argue about where to eat, what to look at and it will rain. Then we will drive home, make our hotel reservations for SLC, pack his car and sleep.
Day three: 2/28: We wake up and then drive to Reno for brunch. This is simple and we say 'whew, i hope the whole trip is like this." It won't be. We'll hit bad weather outside of Salt lake City and it will keep us on the road way past bedtime. We'll finally get in and collapse in our hotel room.
Day four: 3/1: We wake up refreshed, but haven't got much tim e to look around salt lake city. I'm tired and want to sleep, but I agree to drive the first leg, just because. We have lunch in Laramie WY, which is a lot more boring than we'd ever imagined and then drive (an unending road through nothing FOREVER) to Omaha. This day is the toughest day. I'm not sure we'll actually make things on schedule that day...this is the day that the whole trip is riding on , i think.
Day five: 3/2: Omaha-Iowa City-Chicago. Waking up in Omaha is tough. We're groggy and I hate all showtunes at this point. We can't agree on any music at all and I want to murder him for every thing he says. He feels the same way. We both hate every song we own. Movies, video games and video taping the random NOTHINGNESS we're driving through doesn't bring any comfort. We get to chicago and make ourselves go out because we've agreed to, but we actually hate it and would rather have spent the night sleeping.
Day six: 3/3: Driving from chicago seems like a blessing. To me it's like a homecomming, to Greg, at least it's the right Timezone. We get into fredonia, my family is weird and then we sleep at the Cobb's house. Fun times. I still hate showtunes and Greg is Still unsatisfied with our footage for what he hopes will be the Audition tape to end all audition tapes for Surviver. I Shrug and say 'oh well' a lot--which makes him hit me. I have a lot of small bruises by today.
Day seven: 3/4: Driving from Fredonia to NYC with a slight detour to Rochester is normal. I've done that a million times. As long as the previous days haven't ended my life, this should be a cake-walk. We will have lunch with Sara and Norm...and Greg will decide he hates norm and that Sara is way cool. I will decide that I want to sleep for most of the drive.
So that's the forecast. Let's see how much comes true:)
See you on the flip side!
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Today: You dog, you.
It's funny. I never knew how much of a dog person I was...

Which Family Guy character are you?
Look at that...and they're right, too...
*don't worry, I'll write something for real really soon*
It's funny. I never knew how much of a dog person I was...

Which Family Guy character are you?
Look at that...and they're right, too...
*don't worry, I'll write something for real really soon*
Friday, February 11, 2005
Today: Post.
My show ended Wednesday Night. Thank you to all of you who came. Thank-you also to those who emailed that they couldn't come but hoped it went well, I really appreciate it.
The show went exceedingly well. I'm really proud of my work in it.
On an unrelated note, I just found out that the boyfriend of a childhood friend of mine has recently died in Iraq. That fucking sucks. I hate this war. I hate what it's doing to my peers, my friends and my country. I can't really say much more about it than that at this point.
On another unrelated note, I was on the train yesterday without anything to read and next to me was a copy of NY Blade, so I read that. For all of you who don't know what NY Blade is, it's a free gay 'paper' in nyc. Now, for those of you who know about free papers in New York, sometimes they have good writing, sometimes they have terrible writing. This paper had some of the worst writing I've ever had the misfortune of passing my eyes over. The two pages that were actually writing and not dish or ad space included this horribly written editorial by a woman who couldn't make up her mind about what she was trying to have an opinion about. She was a black lesbian, and her point was that the gay community in this country must court the Black gays because they are an underused assett in organizing the black community on our issues--Sure. I can agree with that. THEN she goes and said that the reason the Dems. lost the election was because of Gay issues--with friends like this, who needs friends. She CONTINUED and said that BLACK gays especially had a significant impact on the election this year. WTF??? No offence, lady, but though you're right that the homogenous look of the gay movement has left some people of color by the wayside, it's not a one-sided issue. We don't have this widespread 'DL' thing in white gaydom--it's hard to reach out to people who flatly deny they're one of us. She then goes on to say that black gays are flocking to gay organizations BECAUSE of the fact that they've been media pawns before. I don't even think she knew what she was saying. I tried to find it on line just now so I could quote some passages, but they only had the new editorial up. Oh well. I just wish people had some kind of integrity when they're editing these free so-called newspapers. There's a lot of dammage that can be done by someone who doesn't know what the fuck they're saying--take it from someone who knows. Whatever. So ends my bitch-session for the day.
My show ended Wednesday Night. Thank you to all of you who came. Thank-you also to those who emailed that they couldn't come but hoped it went well, I really appreciate it.
The show went exceedingly well. I'm really proud of my work in it.
On an unrelated note, I just found out that the boyfriend of a childhood friend of mine has recently died in Iraq. That fucking sucks. I hate this war. I hate what it's doing to my peers, my friends and my country. I can't really say much more about it than that at this point.
On another unrelated note, I was on the train yesterday without anything to read and next to me was a copy of NY Blade, so I read that. For all of you who don't know what NY Blade is, it's a free gay 'paper' in nyc. Now, for those of you who know about free papers in New York, sometimes they have good writing, sometimes they have terrible writing. This paper had some of the worst writing I've ever had the misfortune of passing my eyes over. The two pages that were actually writing and not dish or ad space included this horribly written editorial by a woman who couldn't make up her mind about what she was trying to have an opinion about. She was a black lesbian, and her point was that the gay community in this country must court the Black gays because they are an underused assett in organizing the black community on our issues--Sure. I can agree with that. THEN she goes and said that the reason the Dems. lost the election was because of Gay issues--with friends like this, who needs friends. She CONTINUED and said that BLACK gays especially had a significant impact on the election this year. WTF??? No offence, lady, but though you're right that the homogenous look of the gay movement has left some people of color by the wayside, it's not a one-sided issue. We don't have this widespread 'DL' thing in white gaydom--it's hard to reach out to people who flatly deny they're one of us. She then goes on to say that black gays are flocking to gay organizations BECAUSE of the fact that they've been media pawns before. I don't even think she knew what she was saying. I tried to find it on line just now so I could quote some passages, but they only had the new editorial up. Oh well. I just wish people had some kind of integrity when they're editing these free so-called newspapers. There's a lot of dammage that can be done by someone who doesn't know what the fuck they're saying--take it from someone who knows. Whatever. So ends my bitch-session for the day.
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Today: Another Op'nin.
I opened my show last night (scroll down for details) and it went really well. You should come see it. Only two days left!
That's why I haven't been writing, by the way. I've been really busy with rehearsals and such.
I'll be back later this week.
I opened my show last night (scroll down for details) and it went really well. You should come see it. Only two days left!
That's why I haven't been writing, by the way. I've been really busy with rehearsals and such.
I'll be back later this week.