Sunday, June 26, 2005

Today: Durango.
I've been here for nearly a month. It's been a pretty intense workload, so I haven't had much time to update, but I figure 'no time like the present,' so I'll update you all now to what's going on in the universe. Big events are as follows.
1. I officially have a boyfriend as of just before I left for Durango
2. I miss him
3. Durango is really high up: years ago, I worked at Mount Washington Valley Theatre Company, in North Conway, NH and made a visit to the top of the highest peak in the North East, good ole mt. washington is something like 6200 feet up. Breathing up there was difficult, to be honest, and kind of strange. Well, the city of Durango (which, by the way, is in a VALLEY) bottoms out at 6400 feet, and for the first week that I was here, i was high. Literally. Lack of oxygen to the brain does things.
4. As a result of #3, there are prettier views than in the rest of what I've ever seen.
5. Also because of #3. we're right on top of the sun.
6. There aren't too many homos to hang out with, but I found a couple and have some friends out here.
7. The job I'm doing is really fun and easy *especially now that there will be no more rehearsals, ever*
8. Oh, and I'm going to be joing the Asian tour of Sound of Music in the fall, so I'll be blogging from China.
9. My room is a mess
10. That's all.
More pictures and other funness to follow