Sunday, July 10, 2005

Today: 12,900 Feet above sea level.
I Climbed engineer Mountain today. It was AMAZING. We played in the snow and climbed up high rocks and everything. I'll just let you look for yourself. It's pretty spectacular.
A little explanation of the photos: The ones that look really high up are the pictures I took from the summit. The one with the red hills is looking north on the summit.
The one with the longish strip of broken rocks is looking west.
The one that you can see a road in is looking south.
And, finally, looking east is the one with the little strip of broken up rocks.
The ice wedging on the top of Engineer mountain causes these rocks all to break up into little bits, so the higher you get up to the top, the more little rocks there are. It's annoying to climb, and hurts when you cut yourself on them, but the view at the top is amazing. I've never been that high up except in a plane.
Oh, and it's also kind of trecherous. I thought I was going to die a couple times.
Go me!