Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Today: You only meant well? …Well, of course you did.

Okay, so yesterday’s blog was a little angry, and a little off-point on the whole ‘you’re making poor people have babies so that they will be your slaves’ thing.

I’m still upset. The Supreme Court is full of assholes; Congress is full of assholes; The White House is like asshole-central—I just don’t know what to say anymore.

Jimmy tells me that it’s just part of the process. That this will eventually all turn out okay—given the activism of people on both sides trying to get what they want.

I just want control over myself. I want to be able to love who I love, sleep with who I want to sleep with and tell the world when it happens for me. It’s a personal dream of mine to wake up one morning and have nothing to complain about but that I burnt the toast. Is that so bad? I guess so.

And my female friends? I want you to be able to choose your destiny. I want you to have all the options afforded to you that an enlightened society provides. I want you to be able to choose when to bring a child into this world. I dream of a day when no one asks ‘what would you do if you got pregnant?’ Knowing that the answer is personal, and no one can judge anyone for what they’d do. In short, I want a safer America for dreams.

At present, no dreams are safe.

The Christians are saying we’re destroying their dream of a white-washed corporate America where everyone is slave to the Cross and the dollar. But that’s what they’re getting.

I say my dreams are being eroded by the actions of purposefully ignorant people and money hungry megalomaniacs and autocrats.

Will I ever stop being angry? Will it ever get better? I don’t know. I just know we’re in a shitty place—and I don’t see the light at the top of the hole anymore.

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