Saturday, July 23, 2005

Today: Shut up, Potter.
I went to the Midnight Harry Potter Release party in Durango. I dressed up...
Sunday, July 10, 2005

Today: 12,900 Feet above sea level.
I Climbed engineer Mountain today. It was AMAZING. We played in the snow and climbed up high rocks and everything. I'll just let you look for yourself. It's pretty spectacular.
A little explanation of the photos: The ones that look really high up are the pictures I took from the summit. The one with the red hills is looking north on the summit.
The one with the longish strip of broken rocks is looking west.
The one that you can see a road in is looking south.
And, finally, looking east is the one with the little strip of broken up rocks.
The ice wedging on the top of Engineer mountain causes these rocks all to break up into little bits, so the higher you get up to the top, the more little rocks there are. It's annoying to climb, and hurts when you cut yourself on them, but the view at the top is amazing. I've never been that high up except in a plane.
Oh, and it's also kind of trecherous. I thought I was going to die a couple times.
Go me!
Thursday, July 07, 2005

Today: The Olsen Twins.
Those famous Olsens. They've come up with a new line of high-fashion cable-knit sweaters. Here's the pic! You can see that the one Olsen still seems to be suffering from her depression/anorexia...too bad. Poor girl.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Today: Why morals?
I've been confronted with the world 'morals' too many times lately. People keep giving me weird looks when I say 'I'm amoral. I only deal in ethics' . It seems to me that either people are using it incorrectly or the meaning of the word morals has connotatively changed into some catch-all term meaning 'anything that you believe is correct.' If that's the case, then I'm changing languages.
Why would morality apply to business? What does one have to do with the other. Why would morality have anything to do with anything outside of what your traditional beliefs are? That's what morality is, isn't it? I mean, in the dictionary it says that morals are pertaining to principles and ethics and stuff like that, but that can't really be the connotative meaning--there is, in this country some very religious connotation to that word, that's why I won't touch it.
My opinion: let god, or God or GOD or whatnot keep his/her/its morals and let me have my ethics. I was told recently that the concept of god is what keeps ethics afloat. I had a difficult time wrapping my mind about that notion considering that God has nothing to do with anything in ethics, only morals. This is why I won't have morals. I find them irrational and useless. Baseless and old-fashioned.
Fuck morality. It's piousness wrapped in outdated common-law and social conditioning.
There's my rant for the day. Enjoy.
I've been confronted with the world 'morals' too many times lately. People keep giving me weird looks when I say 'I'm amoral. I only deal in ethics' . It seems to me that either people are using it incorrectly or the meaning of the word morals has connotatively changed into some catch-all term meaning 'anything that you believe is correct.' If that's the case, then I'm changing languages.
Why would morality apply to business? What does one have to do with the other. Why would morality have anything to do with anything outside of what your traditional beliefs are? That's what morality is, isn't it? I mean, in the dictionary it says that morals are pertaining to principles and ethics and stuff like that, but that can't really be the connotative meaning--there is, in this country some very religious connotation to that word, that's why I won't touch it.
My opinion: let god, or God or GOD or whatnot keep his/her/its morals and let me have my ethics. I was told recently that the concept of god is what keeps ethics afloat. I had a difficult time wrapping my mind about that notion considering that God has nothing to do with anything in ethics, only morals. This is why I won't have morals. I find them irrational and useless. Baseless and old-fashioned.
Fuck morality. It's piousness wrapped in outdated common-law and social conditioning.
There's my rant for the day. Enjoy.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Today: Fourth.
Okay, so this past week was a doozie. I decided to ride my bike on friday, of course, I forgot to wear sunscreen. My friend Julian and I went to Trimble Springs, which is another geo-thermal hotspring here. It felt like I went to the beach. There were people in bathing suits and relaxing at the springs. it's about as close as it comes to an actual *beach* next to a real *body of water* but it did the trick. I enjoyed it. Then we biked home.
I did not wear sunscreen.
I'm about as burnt as I've ever been. Ohmigod.
SOoooooo...then after that, I came home and tried to eat some tortillas. And in the process thereof, I popped out one of my bondings. that's bad. It's going to cost me probably 150-300 bucks to fix. Guh.
Anyway, the real fun was on the fourth of July. They had an amazing fireworks display. Apparently every year there's a fire caused on the fourth by the fireworks. This year was no exception. The fireworks were going off and then suddenly across the hill, we see a large fire started to the north of where they are shooting the fireworks off. Pretty neat. Of course there was a lot of fireengines and sirens. It felt like a real air strike.
Okay. Anyway, that was that. Today I have an interview with a restaurant down town and we're gonna see if maybe I can get a job.
More updates and rants soon.
Okay, so this past week was a doozie. I decided to ride my bike on friday, of course, I forgot to wear sunscreen. My friend Julian and I went to Trimble Springs, which is another geo-thermal hotspring here. It felt like I went to the beach. There were people in bathing suits and relaxing at the springs. it's about as close as it comes to an actual *beach* next to a real *body of water* but it did the trick. I enjoyed it. Then we biked home.
I did not wear sunscreen.
I'm about as burnt as I've ever been. Ohmigod.
SOoooooo...then after that, I came home and tried to eat some tortillas. And in the process thereof, I popped out one of my bondings. that's bad. It's going to cost me probably 150-300 bucks to fix. Guh.
Anyway, the real fun was on the fourth of July. They had an amazing fireworks display. Apparently every year there's a fire caused on the fourth by the fireworks. This year was no exception. The fireworks were going off and then suddenly across the hill, we see a large fire started to the north of where they are shooting the fireworks off. Pretty neat. Of course there was a lot of fireengines and sirens. It felt like a real air strike.
Okay. Anyway, that was that. Today I have an interview with a restaurant down town and we're gonna see if maybe I can get a job.
More updates and rants soon.